Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Music Director Notes 7-3-12: Library Upheaval

Greetings, all!

Some wise person somewhere along the line said that "Change is the only constant in life".  Or something like that.

Well, in keeping with that theme, there are some changes coming down the pipeline.


1. Gaps: You're going to be noticing some big gaps in the main library stacks as Gerald and I do some heavy weeding of CDs.  Basically, what we're doing is pulling any CDs that haven't been played in over 2 years according to the labels on front of the cases.  If there are no labels, we're putting them on.  I know it's risky, but we're doing this in order to make room for the CDs in the "Recent Release" shelves.

2.  The Recent Release Shelves are being converted to the New to KRZA shelves: KRZA receives a lot of CDs as donations from individuals.  While these recordings are new to KRZA, they are seldom actually New Relases.  And so, we're converting what is now the Recent Release shelves into the "New To KRZA" shelves, and this is where you'll be able to find the cool stuff that's been out for awhile, but hasn't been in the KRZA library.

3. Recent Release Shelves are moving to the Main Library: The CDs currently in the Recent Release are going to be put into the main llibrary stacks, where they will actually be organized alphabetically in a way that you can actually find them! Imagine that!  :-)

4. Review of Weeded CDs: After Gerald and I go through the weeded CDs, you--as experts in your genre of music-- will have a chance to review the CDs that were weeded.  When you do this, you may put them back into the stacks, but please leave a note for us so that we know why you want to put it back in the library. We both still have a lot to learn about all the different kinds of music.  And PLEASE--we beg you--don't just go through and put everything back in the stacks.  We currently receive 5 CDs every single day--that's 150 CDs a momth, or almost 1800 a year--and are anticipating receiving even more--and we HAVE to make room for some of them! 

5. New Release Rock Subdivision: Mix-up and Rock DJ's, you'll now notice that the Rock section in New Release has been subdivided into the more classic-sounding stuff on the left (Blues rock/roots rock/folk rock, etc.) and the more pop-electronic stuff to the right (indie, pop, alternative, electronic).  Just read the tape under the shelves, and it'll all make sense.

All right, now the fun stuff!


Rockers: If you're a Dead Head, check out "Beachwood Sparks"--I'm telling you, these guys are Dead ringers. Seriously. They make me write bad puns, they're that good. Also, check out the all-girl Goth band
"Accolade" for something a little different. Are they medieval rock?  Pagan punk?  You tell me...

World: Okay, so "Calibro 35" should probably belong in jazz because of the sound, but in KRZA's books, "World" music is "any music that is not from the U.S."...and Italy probably appreciates jazz more than we do in the U.S., anyway, so why the heck not add them to your show?

All right, gotta go start weedin'!

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